PTK Meeting Minutes 11/12, 11/19 Carlos Gilbert PTKDec 8, 2020Hello! The latest A+ meeting minutes from the CGE PTK. PTK final minutes 11 12 2020.pdfDownload PDF • 68KBPTK final minutes 11 19 2020.pdfDownload PDF • 56KB
Hello! The latest A+ meeting minutes from the CGE PTK. PTK final minutes 11 12 2020.pdfDownload PDF • 68KBPTK final minutes 11 19 2020.pdfDownload PDF • 56KB
PTK Meeting Minutes 3/4, 3/11, 3/25 & 4/1Ta-da! Minutes! Big thanks to Jana Amacher for keeping the minutes and helping us all keep up with the PTK.
PTK Meeting Minutes - 10/15, 10/22, 11/5Here's the good word. We hear that reading these minutes is almost like being at the meeting. But later. There was no meeting 10/29...