Hello Blackhawks!!
Our cash raffle is virtual again this year, and we're asking every student to sell tickets. Lucky winners of $500, $250, or $100 will be chosen at a live, in-person, and online event on October 29.
How students win too
Now for the really fun part we want to make sure that our students have plenty of chances to earn prizes too! The first way is to meet your minimum selling goal of $75 worth of raffle entrees by Wednesday October 26th! Every student who meets this goal will earn a mystery prize! The next is the Monster Dash, each class becomes a monster during the month of October and they are racing each other to win a party! The top 2 selling classes on each floor will get a party of their choosing (with teacher approval of course). We are so excited that for the first time since 2019 the monster dash will be back up in the cafeteria so keep on eye on that during lunch so you can see how your class is doing! We have one more way to win a prize - the top 3 selling students in the whole school will earn cash prizes themselves! The top selling student will receive $100, the second place student will receive $75, and the third top selling student will receive $50.
Where is MY page? (My kid's page...my kids' pages...)
The big orange button below will take you to the page where all the students' pages are linked. Use the search box to find your/your child's name and then you can send your direct link to all your family and friends!

What do I tell our family/friends? How do we invite them?
An excellent question.
Here is a sample email to copy and paste to send to family and friends.
Hi (Name),
I'm participating in a raffle to raise money for Carlos Gilbert Elementary, and I would love your help! Every ticket counts! Please help our Blackhawks continue to soar!
The PTK funds an enrichment program, such as theater, dance, or cooking, for each grade. The PTK also provides every teacher a stipend each semester for classroom materials, gives every club and team a yearly stipend, pays teachers to tutor students in need of extra assistance, facilitates school events, and supports other programs and activities as needed.
If you purchase tickets you are helping to directly support and enrich the educational, creative, and social experience of students, teachers, and families in our school community.
We appreciate you and wish you luck!
Please visit my fundraising page to learn more about our cause and how to support our efforts:
(copy and paste your fundraising page link here)
I would also really appreciate it if you would spread the word among your friends by sharing my link above.
Thanks again!
(First Name)(Last Name)